ESB International ( English Speaking Board) меѓународен сертификат за англиски јазик според Европската Референцијална рамка, признат од сите одбори за акредитација вклучувајќи го и Британскиот Совет.

Термини за полагање:

Online Assessment dates:
The dates indicated below apply for online assessment of levels B1, B2, C1 and C2


  Session 1 Session 2 Session 3
January Tuesday 9th Tuesday 23rd n/a
February Tuesday 6th Tuesday 20th n/a
March Tuesday 5th Tuesday 19th n/a
April Tuesday 9th Tuesday 23rd n/a
May Tuesday 7th Tuesday 21st n/a
June Tuesday 4th Tuesday 18th n/a
July Tuesday 9th Tuesday 23rd n/a
August n/a n/a n/a
September Tuesday 3rd Tuesday 17th n/a
October Tuesday 1st Tuesday 15th Tuesday 29th
November Tuesday 12th Tuesday 26th n/a
December Tuesday 10th n/a n/a

Any learners under the age of 18 must have signed consent from a parent or guardian that allows them to take part in an invigilated assessment that involves them being recorded.